Social Icons

суббота, 30 июля 2016 г.

Photos of Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, and Lady Gaga!

I hope you didn’t click because you were actually looking for Kim Kardashian nude photos.  If so, you’ll be sorely disappointed.  In fact, you wont find any pictures of Kim Kardashian at all.  Nor will you find any pictures of Britney Spears or Lady Gaga.  Truth be told, if that’s what you clicked on for, you should probably get out and date more.  But sadly, most who read this will have done so for exactly that reason.      It’s a sad commentary on the mindset of our society;  we care more about boobs than we do about individuality.  We as a whole are so utterly superficial that we have created the miracle known as the internet, and 40% of the activity that takes place here is pornography.  Is it possible that we are truly this shallow?  Our sons are being raised to judge a woman based solely on her bodily appearance and facial appeal, and our daughters are coming up being given the impression that the more similarities they bear to a prostitute, the better they are as a person.

     I have written before on this subject, but it is fast becoming a prevalent issue.  Our kids look up to these Icons; and sadly, you will rarely see Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, or Lady Gaga without some part of their anatomy poking out for the cameras.  Kim Kardashian is a talentless bimbo, Britney Spears is simply a decorated piece of trailer trash, and Lady Gaga is something akin to a Clockwork Orange hooker.
     Yet every day, thousands come online hoping only to catch a glimpse of breast or a Britney Spears special (the drunken crotch shot).  And Lady Gaga?  Only the most googled woman on the planet.  And none of them are, in the overall category of physical attractiveness, anything to write home about.  Some have even inferred that Lady Gaga may even be a man. (Although that could potentially add her to the Tiger Woods list)
     And it wont change.  We love our celebrities, but we love them that much more naked, and in Pics.  How sad.

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